Img Error Boundary

👨‍💼 Sometimes images fail to load for one reason or another. Maybe the URL had a typo in it or maybe the user has a spotty network connection. Right now, when the image fails to load, we don't show anything to the user at all. We just go to the nearest error boundary and show that.
🧝‍♂️ I've added a bit of code to make the image fail to load and you'll notice that when that happens, we just fallback to the error boundary for the entire component, even though we have some useful information that we could show the user.
👨‍💼 What I'd like you to do is create a ShipImg component which renders an ErrorBoundary around an Img component. For the fallback, you can simply render a regular <img /> tag and forward the regular props. This will cause the browser to display what it normally does when an image fails to load. Maybe one day we'll circle back on this and make a special image to display in this case, but for now that will do.

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