React Suspense ๐Ÿ”€


๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ผ Hello, my name is Peter the Product Manager. I'm here to help you get oriented and to give you your assignments for the workshop!
We're going to be learning about all things asynchronous with React. In web applications, there's much you need to concern yourself with when it comes to asynchronous behavior. Primarily we'll be focusing on data fetching and assets like images, but you can apply this to any asynchronous behavior in your application.
The core of everything we'll be doing revolves around the Suspense component and the use hook. The Suspense component enables you to declaratively tell React what to render while waiting for something to load. The use hook enables you to convert something async (a promise) into the resolved value.
And of course, there's ErrorBoundary which is a component that you can use to catch errors in your application and display a fallback UI. We'll be following the React team's recommendation and using react-error-boundary for this.
Under the hood, React will make this work and you'll learn all about how in this workshop.
Let's get going!
๐ŸŽต Check out the workshop theme song! ๐ŸŽถ
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